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Searching LINKcat

To search by keyword, enter your word(s) into the search box at the top of the screen and hit the Enter key or click the magnifying glass button. LINKcat will search for all of the terms entered.

Use the drop-down menus to the left of the search box for more search options and to limit by format.

  • The first dropdown box allows you to search by Keyword, Title, Author, Subject, Series, ISBN.
  • The second dropdown box allows you to limit by format, including popular ones like Books, Blu-ray DVDs, Audiobooks, Compact discs (CDs), and Website/downloadable materials, along with other formats.

If your search terms are misspelled, you may see Did you mean highlighted with other possible search terms. Click on the correct word to re-run your search, or re-type your search terms.

Sort your search results

From the results page, click Relevance at the top of the results list, and select an option from the list to re-order your results by author, publication date, title, and more.

Refine (narrow) your search results

From the results page, select an option on the left side of the screen to refine your search results. You can select one of the options under each section at a time. Some of the refinement options include: formats, contributing authors, subjects, genres, publication date range, languages, and more.

Save this search

From your results page, click the Save this search button at the top of the page. If prompted, log in to your account, and enter a name for the saved search. To access your saved searches, log in to your account, and click Saved Searches in the blue bar. Click on a saved search to run the search again.

View title details

From the results page, select a record and click on the title to view more details. From this screen, you can see if an item is available at a library, place a hold, save it to a List, add it to a Cart, and print. Note: You must be signed into your LINKcat account to place holds and save to your Lists.

From the title’s details page, go to the top right, and click Next to move to the next title in the results list. Click Previous to return to the previous title. Click List to return the results list. 

If the title is part of a series, the book covers for other books in the series may appear on the page. To view a short summary of the title, hover over the book cover. To search for the title in LINKcat, hover over the book cover and click on Find this title.

Click the Reviews and more tab to see more information about title. The amount of information available in the Reviews and more tab will vary by title.

Start new search

Enter new term(s) into the search box and hit the Enter key or click the magnifying glass button. You can also click on the LINKcat logo or Home in the blue bar to return to the LINKcat home page.

Choose a library

At the top of the screen, click the Library dropdown and optionally, choose a library to see its copies first when you're viewing a title in LINKcat. You may also search and log into LINKcat without choosing a library.

Need more help?

Printable version of Searching LINKcat help (pdf)